07 881 9102 [email protected]

ACC injuries

Have you had an injury as a result of an accident? Matamata Medical Centre is a Registered ACC Healthcare Provider. We are your first step in getting your injury claim registered with ACC or ACC Accredited Employer on your behalf. We can book you an appointment with a GP or one of our nurses who are ACC registered providers, ensuring the correct form(s) are filled out. When and where applicable, a GP can provide you with time off work for your recovery. ACC or your Accredited Employer will inform you by letter if your claim is accepted or not. IF your claim is accepted, your visit will be partly paid for by ACC or your ACC Accredited Employer.

Surcharge fees do apply and vary depending on age, whether you are a NZ resident visiting from out of town or a foreign visitor from overseas. ACC is FREE for ages 0-13 years for NZ residents.
*Please note – weekend clinic charges differ from normal week day office hours.
For further information on what ACC can do for you click on the link to their website: https://www.acc.co.nz/